O most wonderful, mischievous, assuring, devious, promising, challenging, reassuring of actions. Oh smile on my lips you make me more than I am. When I know not what to say I gain that moment with a pause to smile, and how many times I have had you as a friend when memories cross my path, when I remember moments of sunshine and rain. Saying so much without a word you lighten my soul when retrospect weighs me down. You brighten my spirit adding that dash of confidence when my heart is in doubt.
To give so much without a word, you have taught me to give and that giving the little things makes me more than I am. The smile to a stranger changed a frown today, just as it has so many times before, you have taught me to see more than is visible for when you are with me my world is rose tinted my troubles forgotten. Dear friend you know not the many times when I have stepped into the unknown with just you by my side. My heart trembled and I took courage from your strength. They read you! did you know that? Yes they read but not all that you say, just a few read some and some read more than some. No one my friend knows as I do you.
I have lived not far from the edge, or is it the edge? Beyond the limits or are there any limits really? I live as if I have no tomorrow for it is the only way to spend a lifetime. I have had you by my side in silence my dearest of sounds, when I see him, them, her hesitate clouds of worry spent in what if? Massacres of their today frowning on their tomorrows, is it a life I shudder and wonder. I have but one life my friend with you by my side; I care not for its length. I worry not by its distance. One life my friend with many a lifetimes to live, miles to run, and waterfalls to watch, stars to gaze at and daemons to fight. One life my friend, with mountains to conquer and roses to smell, swords to forge and rivers to cross, a new day with a new lifetime to live before each sun sets.
I'm here my friend at the peak of my today looking into my tomorrow and I smile yet again for I know that you will make another tomorrow pass whatever may be its debt or its wages. I hold you close like I have always done and with a deep breath step up to meet the world. I know without a doubt that there shall be a tomorrow and it will be brighter than yesterday for today I have the better fortune of having one more day with you by my side and thus my world rose tinted.
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