Once upon a time there was an ambitious soldier, his ambitions ran high, he wished to be the General. So strong was his desire that he secretly started hating the General and systematically began maligning the good general's name.
As time went by the soldiers evil ambitions grew, the King and his parliament began disliking the general. Seeing that the kingdom was doomed the general retired happily to his farm.

On the day of the big announcement he stood in line, expectantly waiting for the King to call out his name. The King walked in, and made his announcement.
"Country men, as you know our beloved general has retired, My nephew has returned from France and i hereby announce that he be my new General"
The soldier was stunned, heartbroken, as the King walked out he whispered to the soldier, "you have done me a great service, I never did like that righteous fool. You will get a new horse"
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